Why are you so frustrated about yourself?
I know. because you don't live your life, you have always lived other's and that's the reason you don't recognize yourself when you see yourself in the mirror. you want what you don't have and you don't value what you already have. you are never content, you want more! you lust for boys, for love, for popularity!attention! You DON'T love YOURSELF! and that's the reason you can't give love to anyone and they think the love they are getting from you is real. They don't know how much effort you are putting in that fake love. No one can make you understand. Unless you realize your own worth and i don't know how much time it would take. You are lost in your own confusion. that's why you always listen to music. You are an escapist! A coward!
Am i right? I know i am..
all these for whom?